Add new features for chatting, together with more user friendly managing page, by using the same features in every package, adjusting the design of the app, and applying more user friendly content managing system.

Add a dashboard page that summarizes various statistics in order to make it easier to see, which includes information, followers, posts, and chat.

Choose to send messages directly to the consumer group in order to excess themaximum efficiency. Then pay according to the message you only sent to theconsumers and also connect to other systems via the API.
LINE Official Account also contains the same popular features of LINE@, which are Broadcast, Rich Content, E-Coupon, or Loyalty Cards on the content managing page with a new design application. Moreover, it includes a preview feature to see images or messages as a customer view.

1:1 CHAT will be able to add a tag to track customers which can be added manually according to the desired word such as booking, transfer, or VIP etc., while keeping chat history longer. Moreover, it can also choose to back up the data. In addition, you can create a group chat to make conversation more convenient.

Increasing your broadcast efficiency by using Rich Message and Rich Video for free, including adding shortcuts to chat pages or rich menus.

Sending the message to the customer group that best suits for our advertising messageby choosing to send the message according to gender, age, OS

Adjusting the presentation of all statistics, such as number of followers, number of broadcast messages, number of chat or number of participation of each post on Timelime, and etc., by collecting the information for easier analysis

The existing users are still able to use LINE@ as usual, and able to switch to the new system starting in May. The system will add a button 'Start Using New Platform' on LINE@ MANAGER and LINE@ application.
For new users who apply from 18 April 2019 onwards, the new system can be used immediately.
note :
- When switch to a new system, the user cannot revert to the original system. However, the followers and Premium ID are still remain as the same.
- QR codes that are downloaded from LINE@ will be valid until March 2020. After that, QR Code can be used from LINE Official Account instead.
Stick to the latest updates at Official Account: LINE for Business
LINE for Business Call Center: 02-841-5466 (Mon.-Fri. 9.00AM-6.00PM Except public holidays)