Please ensure that your advertisement strictly adheres to all applicable laws, as well as self-imposed industry rules and guidelines when posting them to the LINE Ads. In addition to avoiding any possible legal risks, LINE has adopted a set of advertising guidelines for the LINE Ads to protect the interests of users. While the landing page and ad creative must be submitted for review prior to release, LINE also monitors the LINE Ads over the course of the ad's listing in order to ensure that its content continues to adhere to all relevant guidelines, and that any offending content is properly revised, deleted, or removed from the platform.
Content within this document are not official legal advice. Advertisers are required to study and make sure their products follow all applicable laws and industry rules.
LINE will not be responsible for the improper use of this guideline. Advertisers will not bring charge against LINE or any of LINE affiliates for any breach of applicable laws and industry rules from the use of this document. Advertisers will not ask LINE or any of LINE affiliates to reimburse or pay for damages caused from any breach of applicable laws and industry rules.
1. Cigarette, electric, tobacco or related products. This includes quit-smoking aid products containing nicotine
2. Digital currency or any related digital currency business, personal investment, such as FOREX and real estate (Products or Services by Financial Institutions, Banks, Securities Companies and Digital Asset Business authorized by relevant government agencies) (Certain exceptions apply)
3. Weapons (all types), poisons, and hazardous substances
4. Sale of information. This includes, but not limited to personal information and disclosure of others’ trade secrets
5. Pyramid scheme, direct sales in an illegitimate multi-level, or any other businesses of the same nature which are not approved by the Office of Consumer Protection Board (OCPB) such as businesses which push members to buy products in order to be a part of its business, businesses which do not focus on selling products to users but rather encouraging members to invite others to join network, incomes of businesses are based on invited participants joining network, high price merchandise with non-standard quality, do not have refund policy due to payment scheme is to pass through money received from new members to be paid to current members as pyramid system.
6. Buying and Selling Services or Services for Breeding of All Kinds of Animals and Buying and Selling Services for Animal Organs, or Products Derived from Animals, such as Eggs, Fur, Fat, Blood, or any Liquid from Animal Bodies, Excluding Animal Products for Consumption that are Lawful and Supported by Certification Documents, including Animal Hospitals, Veterinary Clinics, and Animal Treatment or Nourishment Products, as well as Medical Equipment Used with Animals. Additionally, advertisements related to controlled wood species, as prohibited by the forestry law, or controlled plant seeds, reserved plants, and protected plants as regulated by plant variety laws, are not allowed. However, advertisements related to the general sale of decorative plants or plant-based consumption products that comply with the law and have appropriate licenses or certifications are allowed.
7. Unlawful lending and fundraising
8. Intellectual Property without permission (Copyright/Trademark)
9. Point sites (sites based on accumulating points and providing point-based services or rewards) or gambling-related sites without authorization from Department of Provincial Administration
10. Affiliate sites, Revenue sharing in exchange for providing advertising service
11. Narcotics and Active ingredients/ Hazardous Substances
12. Public service corporations including NPOs/NGOs and incorporated associations
13. Gambling products and services such as pachinko, football betting, online games prohibited by law
14. Adult goods and services (including sexually explicit goods and services aimed at adult consumers, goods and services featuring sexually explicit language, goods and services which could be suggestive of child pornography or otherwise inappropriate from the perspective of protecting minors, sexual performance enhancers, and legal drugs).
15. Infant food (such as infant formula milk powder) and infant supplement.
16. The process of giving birth as a surrogate mother or of arranging such a birth
17. Alcoholic beverages. This includes both direct and indirect purchase of all types of alcohol beverages
18. COVID-19 Antibody test kits
19. The advisement of cryptocurrencies (since those advertisements must be carried out via the digital asset business operator's own official channels.)
1. Food, Beverages, Dietary supplements, and Household Medicines
Must comply with the rules and regulations of Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Public Health.
This includes advertisement permission by cases.
Except the following food products that does not require FDA. But require labels in accordance with the law
1.1 Cannabis and hemp
As of June 16, 2022; subject to further changes following the effect of Cannabis and Hemp Act B.E…..
In this LINE Ads guideline, the meaning of “cannabis and hemp” shall cover:
(A) The whole plants and their unprocessed parts,
(B) Their extracts and seed oils,
(C) The ready-to-eat food and drink (i.e. those cooked and served at restaurants and cafes) containing the foregoing A or B
(D) Finished products (e.g. food and herbal products) containing the foregoing A or B.
A. Cannabis and hemp—The Whole Plants and Their Unprocessed Parts
(1) These products may be sold and advertised under the following conditions:
(2) Specifically, cannabis advertisement is also subject to the following conditions, set out under the Ministry of Public Health Notification dated June 16, 2022:
B. Cannabis and hemp—The Extracts And Seed Oils
(1) Under the Ministry of Public Health Notification dated February 9, 2022 The following products may be sold or advertised without a license:
(2) Specifically, advertisement for cannabis extract/oil is also subject to the following conditions, set out under the Ministry of Public Health Notification dated June 16, 2022:
(3) Extracts or seed oils not falling within the B(1) above may not be sold or advertised.
C. Cannabis and hemp—The Ready-to-eat Food and Drink
As of August 26, 2022; subject to further changes following the effect of Cannabis and Hemp Act B.E…..
(1) Ministry of Public Health Notification (No. 424) under the Food Act dated February 25, 2021, prohibits cannabis and hemp flowers from being food ingredients. Thus, food or drink containing those flowers may not be sold or advertised. On the other hand, ready-to-eat food and drink containing other cannabis parts (roots, leaves, etc.) may be advertised.
(2) Further, the Ministry of Public Health Notification dated August 25, 2022, issued pursuant to the Act on Public Health B.E. 2535, prescribes the following warnings that the advertisement must show with cannabis or hemp recipes:
D. Cannabis and hemp—Finished products
(1) Food and Drink Products
(2) Herbal Products
(3) Cosmetics
1.2 Kratom
As of August 26, 2022.
Rules for advertising kratom pursuant to the Kratom Plant Act B.E. 2565
1.3 Food supplementary related to sexual performance can be advertised, but advertisers must comply with the following legal criteria.
1.3.1 If an advertiser intends to promote the benefits, quality, or properties of food supplementary, the advertiser must obtain the food advertising license from the Food and Drug Administration. LINE reserves the right to request the food advertising license before granting approval for advertising.
1.3.2 If an advertiser intends to advertise the benefits, quality, or properties of food supplementary, the advertiser must not advertise benefits, quality, or properties that are false or exaggerated.
1.3.3 Advertising of food supplementary that claim to enhance sexual performance in a medicinal manner or any form of advertisement that may potentially confuse the public that such food supplementary are medicinal is prohibited.
2. Hospital and Clinic
3. Dating Service Application
4. Cosmetics
5. Politics / Election
6. Lotteries issued by the government
7. Product and service with premium gifts or prizes by means of random selection or taking a chance
8. Financial and Securities Business
The following businesses, services, and/or products are regulated by the Bank of Thailand (BOT), the Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand (SEC) or any relevant authority (as the case may be), and the products or services must be offered, dealt, underwritten, provided, or handled in any manner by person, financial institutions, or business operators of financial business, securities business, derivatives business, foreign exchange business, digital asset business, and/or payment business, according to their respective laws, who are authorized to operate such businesses under the supervision of the BOT, the SEC, and any relevant authority; except for non-regulated businesses, products, and/or services which are exempted from regulations by virtue of regulations, notifications, circulars, rulings or any media officially issued by the said regulators.
Additional conditions for loans
Additional conditions for insurance products
o The advertisement wordings must not be characteristically false or exaggerated;
o The advertisement wordings must be clear, easy to understand, and not ambiguous;
o The advertisement wordings must not cause misunderstanding of the key points of the insurance policy or of the payment under the insurance contract;
o A warning must be included that the customer must understand the details of the insurance policy before making a decision to obtain insurance;
o The insurance agent or broker must obtain approval from the insurance company prior to using the advertisement wordings or images, or offer letter in order to invite, indicate an opportunity or arrange for persons to enter into insurance contracts.
9. Contact lens
10. Hazardous Substances
11. Personal information / Health information
12. Movies and videos
13. Medical Devices
14. Drones
15. Auction sales and Antiques trade
16. COVID-19 Antigen self-test kits (ATK)
17. Amulets, Sacred Objects, Antiques
18. Products or services related to personal beliefs such as talismans, amulets, fortune-telling services, astrology, fortune prediction, feng shui, as well as any tangible or intangible items.
19. Sale of Pet-Related Products or Services, as Listed Below LINE reserves the right to request and verify licenses or other documents related to the specific product or service, depending on the circumstances.
20. Private Investigator Services
Permission is granted only to services with clearly defined business locations. Service providers must hold a lawyer's license, and the services provided must be carried out only in the position of a lawyer for the client. This includes activities such as investigating debtors' assets, requesting or obtaining document copies from government agencies, questioning truths, or seeking information from others with their consent. Services must not violate the law or personal rights. LINE reserves the right to request the lawyer's license before granting approval for advertising.
21. Pawnshops
Permission is granted only to pawnshops with clearly defined business locations and those that have obtained a license to establish a pawnshop, and they must comply strictly with Pawnshop Act of 1962. LINE reserves the right to request the license for establishing a pawnshop before granting approval for advertising.
Term and Conditions for advertising masks and hand sanitizers.
Rules and conditions for posting advertisements on COVID-19 Antigen self-test kits (ATK)
Remark*: “Statement” under the Medical Device Act includes an act of showing or making apparent of a text, image, symbol, motion picture, light, sound, mark, or any act that enables a general person to understand a meaning.
Sample of a Certificate of Technology Assessment
i.e. “Bor. Por. Tor. Form”
Sample of a Medical Device Advertisement License
i.e. “Kor Por. 2 Form”
Sample of FDA Document
Food, beverages, and dietary supplements must comply with the regulations of the Food and Drug Administration
Sample of Medical Facility Document
Hospital and Clinic must comply with the regulations of Ministry of Public Health
Advertisements must clearly state the entity responsible for the advertisement at all times, and in the case of an image, the identification must be large enough to be easily visible to the viewer. Furthermore, if the advertiser utilizes material that it does not own the rights to, it must clearly state the copyright owner as well as their relationship.
The use of logos, characters, services, or other content owned by LINE in such a manner that could confuse users or cause them to believe the advertisement is provided by LINE is strictly prohibited.
In particular, the copyrights to the LINE characters are the sole property of LINE Corporation and its related companies.
Any unauthorized use of them within your ad creative is strictly prohibited.
The following guidelines must be respected when using the LINE logo, LINE icon, or LINE Official Account logo.
A "friend" refers to the status of a user who has friended a LINE account such as an LINE Official Account
For this reason, please unify the expression in linked pages and creatives as well, so that users who are connected to a LINE account such as an LINE Official Account is always called "friends." "Frenz" and other spellings are prohibited.
Ad spaces may not be resold without LINE's express permission. Further, in consideration of protecting users' interests, placing information regarding unrelated third parties in ads is generally forbidden.
Links to pages that have no direct relationship to the account or the ad creative are prohibited. The ad and its content must be considered natural when looked at from the viewpoint of an average user.
Excessive text in ad images may result in your ad reaching fewer people or not running at all. Try to use little or no image text when possible.
All advert components, including any text, image or other media, must be relevant and appropriate to the product or service being offered and the audience viewing the advert. Adverts must clearly represent the company, product, service or brand that is being advertised. The products and services promoted in an advert's text must match those promoted on the landing page, and the destination site must not offer or link to any prohibited product or service.
Links to pages that cannot be viewed or operated via a standard smartphone (iOS, Android) browser are prohibited.
Please ensure that the link destination is compatible with smartphones.
Webpages with hard-to-read text or characters/images that do not fit on the screen are also prohibited.
Advertisements containing content with the potential to offend users, such as images that overtly sexual or revealing of skin,*1 messages that are blatantly sexual in nature, or any other messages that may cause discomfort to users *2 are prohibited. *1. Swimsuit or underwear images unrelated to the advertisement are prohibited. *2. Statements encouraging use of violence or antisocial behavior are prohibited.
Language or content that deceive users into believing the product or service is better or cheaper than it actually is are prohibited.
In the case where any product and service has a specific advertisement law and regulation, the advertising content of such product or service must comply with, and contain, the information as prescribed by the respective laws and regulations.
When using language in your ad creative that contains superlatives such as "World's First" or "World's No. 1," the claims must be properly substantiated, with the source behind the survey and the year it was conducted clearly labeled within your linked pages and ad creative.
If your advertisement sends users to a separate web page and encourages them to register for your products or services, you must visually state in a plain and clear manner that the link destination is in no way affiliated with LINE or its partner companies. Additionally, when obtaining personal information from users, you must ensure that all handling of the information at the link destination follows the guidelines set out by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information. In order to protect the LINE user experience, please refrain from excessively soliciting users to register for your products or services.
Advertisements claiming the result of any kind of medical treatments are prohibited (except medication approved by law and regulations). Before/after images or VDOs are prohibited.
Advertisements comparing between owned products or services with other similar products or services are prohibited.
Rules for Symbol Usage and Expression