Upgrading the retail business with LINE Official Account with API

Central Chat & Shop

The success story of Central, one of the top giants in Thailand’s retail business scene for the past 72 years. – Already operating with 23 branches all over the country, management decided to expand their online channels for the customer’s seamless shopping experience, transferring Central department stores into the application LINE Official Account (LINEOA) via API integration.


LINE OA gives Central a better and faster way to reach and respond to customers. Central Chat & Shop started as a combination of Central’s vast array of physical stores, where LINE is the main direct communication platform with customers. The advantage of having both physical stores and a 24/7 online platform powered by the LINE OA application creates a seamless omni channel experience for Central’s customers, serving the purpose of the team behind its large operation.

Central’s story with LINE Official Account with API

In 2017, Central started ‘Chat & Shop’. Back then, only a few customers reached out to the stores via LINE OA. But once the team integrated

LINE OA with API, with further customization to the nature of its retail business (‘Customer Support’ system), the game changed completely. Central now are able to offer faster and more seamless service to customers.

Customers can order via the ‘Customer Support’ system and immediately process payment with the option to select also delivery channels; picking up products at the closest Central department store, or direct delivery to door. – An upgrade to a faster service for customers in the digital era.

Over 1,000 customers get in touch with Central Chat & Shop’s LINE OA every day.

Central’s successes with LINE Official Account with API

  • Central’s integration with LINE OA with API allowed the team to understand their customers better. Customer insights from analytics helps Central with designing personalized marketing promotions easier. The team is able to send direct message to targeted customers which increases sales significantly.
  • The ‘Dashboard’ functionality allows access to insightful reports where data can be further analyzed and developed into effective CRM campaigns targeting customers on ‘Chat & Shop’.
  • LINE Official Account with API helped improved Central Chat & Shop’s back-end processes, a customized ones which suits the business purpose – better responsiveness and customer satisfaction.

This is another success story of Central with LINE API, adjusting its online platforms in order to boost sales in the retail business.