Jun 6, 2022

LINE officially launches “BUSINESS MANAGER” The latest data solution for data management within LINE ecosystem

As businesses embrace the digital era in full, entrepreneurs of all sizes have adopted LINE as the primary tool for developing brand images, engaging with customers, and marketing. These actions generate a vast quantity of valuable data within LINE platform, including personal data, behavioral data including preferences and interests. These can be utilized for effective marketing strategy and business development. Today LINE has taken a tremendous step forward. Not only does it provide an amazing platform for communication, but it also has a comprehensive data management, with "BUSINESS MANAGER" being the most recent addition for business.

BUSINESS MANAGER is a new data solution from LINE. It serves as a platform for data management within the LINE Ecosystem via its three primary channels: LINE Official Account (LINE OA), LINE Ads Platform (LAP), and LINE Smart Channel. It can be used to successfully  integrate and manage data for marketing and communication objectives. With BUSINESS MANAGER, brands can anticipate optimizing the benefits in four principal advantages as follows:

Collect & Integrate Cross marketing Data

BUSINESS MANAGER functions as a platform for cross marketing data. These include the data that emerged in LINE OA, for example, users who clicked broadcast messages, users who clicked or watched VDO ads on LAP and LINE Smart Channel. The process is simple and has unlimited implications. Cross data makes it easy for brands to develop a vast array of user databases, allowing them to precisely and effectively categorize target groups. It also prevents the disregard of potentially valuable data.


Moreover, brands can also upload first party data, such as customers’ user ID, email addresses, and phone numbers, or build common LINE Tags on BUSINESS MANAGER in order to track client behavior on brand websites. The data will be incorporated into the analytical and data sorting processes alongside data from LAP or LINE OA. Creating common LINE Tags in BUSINESS MANAGER eliminates any potential duplicate tags.

Create accurate target groups for cross targeting marketing strategy

Not only does BUSINESS MANAGER collect large amounts of data within the LINE Ecosystem in one place, but it also assists brands in successfully organizing and utilizing the data. This will result in the accurate delivery of messages via cross targeting ads. Under the cross targeting strategy, brands are also able to retarget messages across the three primary channels. For instance, brands can add clients who clicked on LAP advertisements to the list of recipients for LINE OA or LINE Smart Channel messages, or vice versa. A certain group can be selected to receive messages or excluded from receiving messages using this method. Alternatively, this group might be studied further to identify "Look Alike" targets.

Comply with PDPA

BUSINESS MANAGER has been designed to comply with the Thai PDPA (Personal Data Protection Act), which goes into force on June 1st. Marketers and businesses need not to worry about the legality of utilizing data on BUSINESS MANAGER. The system will automatically perform the first sorting of the target audience and LINE has requested permission from clients, where required by law.

Double impact of marketing campaign for big brands

Big brands with many LINE OA and/or LAP accounts, such as LINE OAs for main brand and multiple LINE OAs for its branches or sub-brands, or LAP accounts for agencies responsible for a variety of media channels, can profit greatly from BUSINESS MANAGER. The data solution will increase the brand's communication and marketing potential by using data from the main LINE OA to generate advertisements for its branches or sub-brands' LINE OAs. Brands can also leverage LINE Tags data to construct a variety of advertising campaigns via BUSINESS MANAGER. In addition to pushing products to prospective customers, one could, for instance, deliver special discounts to existing customers while promote products to new customers  Cross-Platform data exchange within the LINE Ecosystem will increase the effectiveness and diversity of marketing on the LINE platform, hence raising the chance of success.

As the globe continues to revolve around itself, customers daily consume vast quantities of data. They memorize and organize only the information that relates to them or satisfies their needs. In order to compete in digital marketing, it is essential to develop precise marketing tactics on the right platform, at the right time, to the right audience. BUSINESS MANAGER was created to address these problems for businesses. BUSINESS MANAGER will enable them to efficiently extract data and information from the LINE Ecosystem, making it an indispensable tool in the current business climate.


Those interested in BUSINESS MANAGER can contact their agency today or any of LINE Agency Partners from LINE for Business website.


#LINEBusinessManager #LINEDataSolution #LINEforBusiness