Beauty business acceleration ideas. Secure profit with amazing LINE features

LINE Business Solution


  • At the present, LINE is the most popular communication platform for Thais.
  • LINE Ads optimizes online advertising to give your brand maximum results and Return on Ad spend (ROAS).
  • Using Chat Tag in LINE OA simplifies customer relationship management.
  • MyShop is a highly effective retail assistant every online store should have. It is packed with many features that help grow your sales potential. 

A huge challenge for beauty businesses

Beauty business is another business that suffered COVID-19. Being non-essential goods, the pandemic marked the decline of sales in beauty products as most people wear masks to protect themselves from the virus. This is a new challenge beauty businesses are facing.


In the beauty business, some product groups see a substantial drop in sales such as lipsticks and blush ons. Other product groups such as cleaning products, nourishing creams, and cosmetics, however, are still in demand. In actuality, customers’ demand for beauty products has not disappeared. The decline in sales is a consequence of longer buying decisions to cosmetics and the increase in concern of hygiene. What can brands do to drive the return of sales? 

We have the answer.


Connecting with customers is like fishing, and just like everything, it is all about location. So where are most customers? LINE is where everyone is. Besides the userbase of 47 million active users , LINE is the most preferred communication platform for Thais.


From our study, we found out that LINE Official Account (LINE OA) can create advertisement perception and change consumers’ demand more than any other platforms. Comparing the Click/Read rate and the influence on buying decisions of all LINE services, LINE OA comes in as No. 1 while LINE TV and LINE TODAY both come in as very close seconds.

If your beauty business wants to increase its opportunity in effectively connecting with consumers, it is obvious that LINE is the most effective platform in the market.

Where are the customers from?

The most effective strategies for the beauty business are ‘create awareness for customers’ and ‘connecting with customers’. LINE Ads accurately allocates your preferred target audience, covering every lead with the high purchase potential.


  1. Choose your preferred target audience and increase your number of LINE OA followers. Make it easier for customers to connect with you by reaching out to them.
  2. Specify the correct target audience that the brand wants to communicate with. This specification can be customized via location, gender, age, operation system (OS), and interests.

If your brand already has an existing customer base and plans a market expansion towards a new group of customers, simply use the Lookalike Audience function to seek out a new target audience with similar behaviours as your existing customer base. LINE Ads will then select the best advertisement space for the target audience so your brand always ends up with the best results and ROAS.

More tools = Better customer relationship management

Once your brand succeeds in gaining a follower base, it is crucial for them to have a positive digital experience with you. This ranges from nuances such as promptly replying to questions as a slow reply can jeopardize a sales opportunity. This problem can be completely avoided with the Chatbot function in LINE OA. No matter what time the customer contacts you for whatever information, inquiries, or direction guide, this system can instantly give them the correct and elaborated answer, making sure no sales opportunity is lost.

LINE OA can also help your beauty business seamlessly connect the experience of Online-Merge-Offline (OMO) with customers such as:

  • Accepting pre-orders and reservations before customer’s arrival at your physical store.
  • Giving out discount vouchers to be used at the store in order to stimulate sales or conduct new product testing.
  • Increasing regular customers with reward cards.
  • Sending customers greeting messages or promotions when the customer is in the vicinity of the store via LINE Beacon.


As an example, the beauty brand Oriental Princess planned their strategy to increase the number of their followers by inviting customers to add the brand as friends on LINE in exchange of special discounts. In the same phase, the brand

The majority of content created by Oriental Princess focused on telling stories through visuals. Some content chose to utilise carousel ads to present the products in catalogue format while consistently sending out notifications on various promotions. Some of the notifications invited customers to shop at their physical stores while others promoted their online retail channels, stimulating sales from both offline and online target markets.


LINE OA can also help your brand to recognize different customers with the Chat Tag function. Each individual customer is categorized into different groupings such as regular customers, customers by promotion, or physical store customers. This helps your brand to provide better service and further understand your customers.

Don’t miss the opportunity to go LIVE

In-LINE LIVE Viewer overcomes many limitations of online retailing. Despite the beauty industry’s overwhelming online presence, one of the key factors that influences buying decisions is hands-on product testing. The diversity in customers’ skin tones mean diverse demands. In-LINE LIVE Viewer can help your brand thoroughly inform the audience of all the information and properties of the product, such as color swatch, how to apply primer, elaborating on the complex aroma, and demonstrating the texture of the product. This helps drive the customer’s buying decision as if the customer was testing the product at your physical store. In-LINE LIVE Viewer also allows you to interact with your customers in real-time, letting you answer any question they might have.

With LINE, your brand gains access to various tools like MyShop that help you close each sale effectively.


Sulwhasoo, a premium skin care product from Korea, elevated its E-Commerce capability by using LINE to increase their customers’ ease of use. We helped the brand to be more accessible and convenient to chat to. This user-friendly approach resonates with the customers with preference for an uncomplicated shopping experience.


Sulwhasoo designed a Rich Menu (menu embedded in the chat box that can take customers to the store’s various services) that links to MyShop, allowing the customers to be directed to the products they desire and instantly place their order.


If the customer has any questions about the product, they can simply push the chat button on the order page and connect with the brand in real-time. The questions customers ask would appear to the administrator alongside the product the customer is interested in, making it easier for your brand to respond to the customer.

Open your business up to opportunities to make more profit. Make all your investments count with the platform that can effectively connect to your target market, through a huge selection of tools that align with your strategies. Increase brand awareness, accessibility, and sales. Moreover, your brand will be able to build a CRM database to further study the target market and improve its after sales service, building your business to be the top-of-mind brand with high brand loyalty, converting consumers into brand advocates.


LINE for Business is the most complete solution to your business needs. The platform is equipped with tools to accelerate your business into the lucrative world of social commerce.


If you are looking for a channel that can effectively and accurately connect your brand with both existing and potential customers, LINE is the perfect assistant to your market domination.