BAAC leveraged a data-driven strategy to reach new customer segments with LINE Ecosystem solutions.



BAAC leveraged a data-driven strategy to reach new customer segments with LINE Ecosystem solutions.

To expand the customer base to groups outside of the familiar segment, such as farmers, BAAC has implemented a strategy that relies on clever, relevant communication content and must include tools to help pass on that message to reach the target group.

BAAC uses data from the LINE Ecosystem, such as LINE Official Account, MyCustomer , to help support the policy of increasing the customer base that is no longer focused only on farmers. However, they are beginning to look for new groups by aggressively communicating to create awareness among people of all genders and ages to pass on BAAC knowledge to help create the ability to earn income. Including successfully creating financial stability for the Thai people.

BAAC achieved success by using data already available on the LINE Ecosystem to manage and proceed correctly. This helps achieve the intended results in many matters.

BAAC or Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives. It is a well-known name as an organization that provides knowledge in agriculture along with creating financial readiness for farmers. Most may understand that BAAC wants to communicate these matters only to the target group, farmers or agriculture-related people. However, BAAC aims for people of all genders and ages in Thailand to gain knowledge and create more financial wealth, similar to what farmer groups receive.

Business Challenge

After the COVID-19 crisis, our world and people's behaviors have shifted significantly. More and more people spend time online. Therefore, if the Bank of Agriculture and Cooperatives (BAAC) wants to reach a broader target audience across the country and make them aware that BAAC is a leading organization that provides financial and agricultural services to not only farmers but also to all Thai people, BAAC needs to adjust its communication strategy in terms of marketing and tools. This ensures they can reach customers in the digital age more effectively.

Business Solutions

Therefore, to find a platform that helps to communicate with the target audience in a wide range of ways, BAAC should choose to use a platform that can meet this challenge. Therefore, BAAC should focus on using LINE to make this campaign successful. LINE is a social media that more than 54 million Thais use. In addition to covering all ages and genders as BAAC wants, LINE is considered an application that most Thais use for chatting. It can be seen that everyone uses LINE for almost every communication they have, such as with family, co-workers, and friends.

This allows BAAC to reach new target groups besides the farmers who are already familiar with it. Because of the completeness of the tools in LINE for Business that BAAC has chosen to use, it can access, collect, connect, and share target groups. To create better effectiveness in marketing communications with three main strategies as follows

Strategy 1: Create awareness of BAAC through LINE Sponsored Stickers Campaign

BAAC uses strategies to encourage people to share and pass on good feelings through the use of LINE stickers, “Nong Hom Mali and Nong Hom Jang.” In addition to creating brand image recognition through the lines of the stickers, BAAC also received a leap in the number of followers of the LINE Official Account

Strategy 2: Attract new and highly targeted followers by creating ad campaigns using specific data from the LINE Ecosystem

To increase followers quickly, using LINE Ads to advertise and add friends (Gain Friends) is a tool that the BAAC has chosen to use by taking information from existing target groups from the data organization that has made it possible. Such as Click Retargeting, target groups that click to open various broadcast messages, including information obtained from surveys through MyCustomer, both basic information Information about banking products and financial behavior

Grouping all available information to create Custom Audience Groups to organize what each group is interested in and continuing by building it into a Lookalike Audience expands the target audience to be larger. This creates an opportunity to gain new followers and add them as friends on LINE Official Account of BAAC.

This benefit from clearly separating the target groups also makes selecting content for advertising more appropriate. We must remember that no matter how excellent the ad setting technique is, if the content is unsuitable for the target group, the advertised communication goes out, but it does not take any action back to that target group.

Strategy 3: Create effective broadcasting results by separating target groups with added friends.

When you get more friends to follow your LINE Official Account also sees the importance of screening those target groups with another layer: using the Chat Tag feature so that each group receives broadcast content information that matches their actual behavioral needs, such as agricultural knowledge, financial products, etc.


From all three strategies, BAAC gained more friends and followers as a new target group, as expected, obtained from LINE Sponsored Stickers an increase of 84% compared to months in which stickers were not distributed. As for the advertising strategy for creating Lookalike, which is initially based on follower segmentation data in LINE Official Account and MyCustomer, the click-through rate (CTR) has increased from 0.18% (advertising to the Core Audience group) to 0.21% ( advertising to Lookalike Audience groups) or an increase of approximately 16.66%.

BAAC can also increase the rate of opening and reading of broadcast content after adding a Chat Tag to group followers after adding friends. The open rate increased to 14.36% from the original 10.64%.

LINE Solutions

Use Sponsered Stickers from LINE to create participation in adding friends.

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Use data from MyCustomer to create a Custom Auduience and Lookalike Audience to expand the right target group for advertising on LINE Ads

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Easily manage your official account, advertising account, admin, and target audience in one place through MyCustomer

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