Toyota Partners with LINE to Foster Positive Changes in Road User Behavior


Toyota Partners with LINE to Foster Positive Changes in Road User Behavior

Through this collaboration, Toyota aims to promote safe driving practices, encourage discipline and kindness toward fellow drivers, and ultimately reduce road accidents sustainably.

Toyota aims to promote a new attitude among road users to reduce road accidents, particularly during busy festival periods when there is a high volume of travelers on the road. To achieve this, the company has developed a range of project activities designed to raise awareness and encourage participation.

However, given the significant expense and effort involved in traditional offline communication methods, Toyota has also turned to digital marketing tools such as the LINE Official Account and related tools to create online activities that can reach a wider audience and ultimately change the target group's behavior.

Increasing the number of followers on the LINE Official Account of the "Toyota Road Safety" project is the primary goal that Toyota aims to achieve using LINE Ads to advertise the project to a broad audience, limiting it to specific target groups. Toyota also uses the LINE API to help increase the target followers who participate in activities through games embedded in the LINE Official Account, using motivational rewards. Ultimately, this has resulted in the target group participating in activities over 40 times per person. The results have also led to significant changes in attitudes and behaviors that have never been seen before.

Overall, Toyota Motor Thailand has launched the "Toyota Road Safety" project to encourage car users to drive safely, with discipline and empathy, to reduce accidents on the road. The main objectives of the project include:

  • Encouraging car users to drive safely, with discipline and empathy towards each other
  • Promoting safe and responsible tourism that maintains social distancing for both people and vehicles
  • Providing peace of mind and confidence in travel by offering free vehicle checking and disinfection services
  • Encouraging car users to be aware of road safety again.

"Normally, the campaign can only be announced or promoted. Advertising is intended to allow people to think for themselves and realize themselves through media created to reach the desired target audience. However, it must be accepted that changing attitudes or behavior in the long term is quite difficult, and measuring numerical results is not possible. If there are numbers to measure results, it may only be the number of people who have seen the advertised media."

Toyota has explored various options to promote its project in Thailand, and one potential avenue is to leverage digital media, which is immensely popular in the country. With over 54 million internet users accounting for 70% of the Thai population and virtually 100% of the working-age population—the primary target group for this project—online marketing communication tools can be highly effective.

Therefore, Toyota seriously considers this option as part of its marketing strategy.

Business Challenge

The online landscape is inundated with enormous amounts of information, leading to information overload. Consequently, platforms have implemented algorithms to curate content based on individual preferences or popularity. As a result, conventional methods of posting messages without a proper strategy may risk turning key advocacy messages into less captivating content than others that are more entertaining.

The impact of a piece of content on consumer behavior and its effectiveness in promoting desired outcomes is a significant concern. Often, success in marketing communication is measured only by the number of views or interactions, which may not necessarily translate into a profound emotional impact that leads to actual behavioral changes.

Toyota faces this challenge in its "Toyota White Road" project, which aims to achieve genuine behavioral change while simultaneously quantifying the results in tangible terms.

Business Solutions

Toyota has developed a strategy to raise awareness among its target audience and make them feel safe while using the road, which is reflected in their actual behavior.

Visual communication alone may not create proper awareness. Therefore, Toyota has designed a game called "Drive Well" that can be played through the LINE Official Account of "Toyota Road Safety" using LIFF (LINE Front-end Framework), a form of LINE API. The mini-application is displayed on the chat page of the LINE official account of "Toyota Road Safety," providing convenience and quick web page results.

The game encourages participants to respect traffic rules and show kindness to each other on the road while emphasizing tourism in a way that maintains a safe distance between countries, which is especially relevant during the pandemic. The game is available through the LINE Official Account under the account name "Toyota Road Safety."

Communicate effectively

Toyota effectively communicates with its target audience through online and offline marketing channels. In addition to traditional media, such as influencers and actors like" Ying Le," Toyota also employs LINE Ads to encourage the target group to follow its official account for "Toyota Road Safety."

To ensure that" their ads reach the appropriate audience, Toyota uses a targeted strategy that selects users who have indicated an interest in cars.

Furthermore, custom audiences are created and expanded to similar audiences through UID sharing, allowing for a more precise and widespread reach. Toyota is committed to effective communication and reaching its intended audience through a strategic and targeted approach.

Encourage Participation

Toyota has implemented a strategy to encourage active participation and improve drivers' attitudes towards safe driving practices. The ultimate goal of this initiative is to decrease the number of accidents on the road.

One measure taken is creating an activity called "Drive Well." This activity involves a competition game that uses LIFF as a mini-app on the LINE Official Account platform to measure driving quality. The game rewards players with incentives and prizes through LIFF. By making safe driving a fun and interactive experience, Toyota aims to promote a responsible and safe driving culture among its followers.


The campaign's objectives were to expand the outreach to the target audience by a minimum of 4 million views, increase the number of LINE Official Account followers by 2,000, and encourage more than 800 individuals to participate in the activity.

The average person participated in the activity over 40 times, a substantial number that effectively raised awareness among the target audience, motivating them to change their behavior according to the project's objectives. Consequently, the project achieved its expected outcome, with safe driving scores increasing by six points out of a total score of 100 and average driving speed decreasing significantly.

LINE Solutions

Discover practical techniques for utilizing different tools and features available on the LINE Official Account to improve your marketing communications with friends and followers and successfully achieve your business goals.

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Consider using LINE Ads advertising techniques to create opportunities for your potential customers to participate in activities they would be interested in.

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Take the first step in using LINE API with the LINE Official Account. 

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