Decoding Success: O2O Campaign Strategies from Watsons


Watsons, Thailand's leading health and beauty retailer,

disrupts the market with an innovative approach

to drive customers from offline to online using LINE solutions.

Watsons successfully leveraged LINE Ads to drive in-store customers to online purchases, resulting in a shift in customer behavior and increased sales on Watsons' e-commerce website and application.

The strategy involved targeted advertising on "LINE Smart Channel Custom", displayed on the Chat List of Thai users, reaching over 54 million users.

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Different Strategies, Better Results

The 12.12 Shopping Festival:

Every year, the competition among retailers during the 12.12 festival intensifies. As consumers, we benefit from discounts, freebies, and a wide variety of choices. However, from a business perspective, the heavy competition leads to social media feeds being flooded with advertisements, making it difficult for products to stand out.

Beyond Creative Content:

For businesses, simply choosing the right advertising medium and creating creative content is no longer enough. They must also consider the strategic placement of their ads. A good advertising location can lead to significantly different results. This is the topic we will discuss today, providing case studies that you can apply to your own business.

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Watsons' Challenge

Watsons is a leading health and beauty retailer in Thailand, well-known and recognized by Thai consumers for many years.

With a strategy of extensive branch expansion, customers have convenient access to its products, However, with the social shift towards online shopping.

Watsons recognizes the importance of expanding its distribution channels to the online world alongside its physical stores.

However, Watsons faces a significant challenge in changing customer behavior from in-store to online shopping.

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Watsons utilizes various social media platforms to communicate marketing campaigns to target audiences. This includes creating awareness, driving results in various areas, and leveraging insights to improve performance and CRM.

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Watsons utilizes LINE Official Account as the main hub for marketing communication by using the features of LINE Official Account and LINE Shopping are utilized by each branch to facilitate customers who regularly use LINE.

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Watsons recognizes the potential of LINE Ads, particularly the LINE Smart Channel Custom feature. This feature displays large-format ads on the Chat List, offering premium placement that is ideal for promoting Watsons’ various sales campaigns. It effectively increases the target audience's website traffic at a lower cost than other channels.

LINE is the leading chat platform in Thailand, with over 54 million active users daily. Therefore, creating awareness by placing ads on the Chat List maximizes reach and visibility, targeting real active users. This results in a significantly higher Click-Through Rate (%CTR) than other ad placements or platforms.


Watsons' strategic implementation of LINE Ads Smart Channel Custom during the 12.12 campaign yielded impressive results. The campaign achieved a high Click-Through Rate (CTR) of 0.64% significantly exceeding the market average. Moreover, Watsons also enjoyed a 67.43% lower Cost Per Click (CPC) than other advertising mediums.

Beyond raising awareness, the campaign successfully drove traffic to Watsons' online channels.

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LINE Solutions Used in This Campaign

Smart Channel Custom
advertising campaign displayed
on the Chat list through LINE Ads.
*can only be purchased
through LINE Agency Partners*
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LINE Official Account
is used as a hub for
marketing communication
with the target audience.
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opened for each branch.
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